Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Learning to Unlearn

Learning to Unlearn is very effective but it is a long and painful process. You must first learn the subject, unlearn it, and then relearn it so that you can make sure you haven't missed any information.To make sense of new learning, we relearn and construct new knowledge that improves practice.  In teaching you have to unlearn that we have to be experts in our classrooms and that leading is only for those with titles.

Before you can do any of that you have to first learn HOW to unlearn. Learning to unlearn is very difficult and some people just don't get it. But you are not alone. There are many educators out there that are more than willing to help people learn how to unlearn.


  1. This explanation of learning to unlearn was pretty mind blowing! But I enjoyed it. I struggle with learning and unlearning to learn.

  2. Your picture is funny, but you don't really explain learning to unlearn. If I wouldn't have read the chapter before reading this post, it would be pretty unclear :/

  3. This post was really confusing. Learning to unlearn simply means for teachers to be able to teach in a variety of ways, to look at things differently with each student. I agree that I would have been a little confused if I had not read the chapter.
